The biggest mistake

08:06 Joanna 0 Comments

The biggest mistake I make is thinking 'what should I do now'. It means I worry what skills I should develop, what activities I should perform, vocabulary of what language I should learn by heart, what I should cook, what I should know, who I should be...

As it is quite easy to observe, the main word above is 'should'. Not 'want/ desire/ need', but the killing and sad 'should '. When it appears in my mind, I feel tension straight away, I feel not ready and unprepared. I have an impression that my life is not good enough, that I could do thousand things to make it better (I should do thousand things to make it better). 

To avoid procrastination and to have the life I want to have, I am trying to change the word 'should' to 'want'.

What do I want to do now?

It still cause a little bit of overwhelming feeling- there is so many things I can choose from, but that simple change make me feel that I am capable of leading my own life, that my choices are mine and they are right.

So for the next month I will be practicing the skill of 'wanting to do now'. I am trying to build a habit of asking myself 'what do I want to do now?'. And it is not about doing only things that make me feel pleasure. It is also about things that make me be the person I want to be, to do the things that direct me into direction of the life I want to have.

So what do I want to do now? Maybe go out of the bed and do some yoga? :)

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