The biggest mistake

08:06 Joanna 0 Comments

The biggest mistake I make is thinking 'what should I do now'. It means I worry what skills I should develop, what activities I should perform, vocabulary of what language I should learn by heart, what I should cook, what I should know, who I should be...

As it is quite easy to observe, the main word above is 'should'. Not 'want/ desire/ need', but the killing and sad 'should '. When it appears in my mind, I feel tension straight away, I feel not ready and unprepared. I have an impression that my life is not good enough, that I could do thousand things to make it better (I should do thousand things to make it better). 

To avoid procrastination and to have the life I want to have, I am trying to change the word 'should' to 'want'.

What do I want to do now?

It still cause a little bit of overwhelming feeling- there is so many things I can choose from, but that simple change make me feel that I am capable of leading my own life, that my choices are mine and they are right.

So for the next month I will be practicing the skill of 'wanting to do now'. I am trying to build a habit of asking myself 'what do I want to do now?'. And it is not about doing only things that make me feel pleasure. It is also about things that make me be the person I want to be, to do the things that direct me into direction of the life I want to have.

So what do I want to do now? Maybe go out of the bed and do some yoga? :)

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Może o skupieniu teraz

20:11 Joanna 0 Comments

W głowie mam nieskończoną ilość myśli. W życiu dzieje się tak dużo, że by zrobic pranie naprawdę muszę wygospodarować dużo czasu.
W głowie magluje się myśl, że trzeba skupiać się na priorytetach, mnóstwo szczytnych idei krzyczy swoją fajnością obiecując zmianę życia na lepsze...

I ciężko jest powiedziec cokolwiek. Oprócz tego, że najlepiej jest teraz. I że lepiej wyjść na dwór i się zmoczyć niż siedzieć i sprawdzać, czy będzie padał deszcz. Na telefonie.

Życie 'z doświadczeniami' ubogaca. Życie pełne nowych rzeczy sprawia, że chcę jeszcze więcej. 

Jest dobrze, bo czuję, że rosnę. Jest dobrze, bo widzę, jak dużo we mnie się zmienia. I jest dobrze, bo lubię być sobą :)

Ach i miało być o skupieniu...

Zauważyłam, że najlepiej jest, gdy ja skupiam się na sobie. Gdy moje pragnienia są w moim centum zainteresowań. Gdy skupiam się na tym, co jest dla mnie ważne, potrzebne, istotne, piękne i włączam to do swojego życia. Czasem wolniej, czasem szybciej. Gdy to, co czuję nakręca mój świat, gdy to, co myślę, definiuje moje działania. Nie wiem, czy potrzebuję czegoś więcej. Skup się na tym, co czujesz, czego chcesz, kim chcesz sie stać, co chcesz osiągnąć. Tego powinni uczyć w szkołach. Wtedy życie jest piękne. I koniec. Niech tak się stanie :)

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Time for reflection

18:30 Joanna 0 Comments

There is right time to slow down. To sit and think. To lay on the grass and look in the clouds, to close your eyes and just think about what is now.

I made the mistake at work- I used to work only, instead of working and spreading the word (many words) about the job I do. I used to focus on things that are important for the end users. And, actually, this is the one part. The second, equally important (or maybe even more important- still it is so hard to believe!) is telling people about my work. Showing, putting on cc... I have some problems with prioritizing my tasks. It should work the way: task & call to manager (1st, 2nd and 3rd)... Telling about all obstacles,plans for future, showing how much I do... Every small thing I do..

But it is not the thing I want to write today about. I want to show the analogy. The situation at my work I described is a wery good analogy to living a life and the reflection about it.
I need to work and then reflect it somehow, show on my managers objectives, goals, plans. And it is the same with life and all things that go around. There is so many of them, piles of things I do, feel, experience... And it is a big mistake, when all those things don't reflect on my life. Because the truth is, they are. Everything I do, I think, changes something, makes influence. And it is a good thing to understand the dependencies. Sometimes it is good to be spontaneous and just go, without thinking too much, it teaches you to be good with uncertainty.
But it is also very good, I would even say mandatory, to think about all those actions, activities, things that happen in order to understand their influence on my life. Without that it is like trying to make the ball bigger in all possible directions (Oliver Emberton;)) and wasting too much energy, or time. Don't get me wrong- obviously it is not necessary to make your life shaped and planned completely. It is just good to understand the influence of what happen on my life. It is good to think about things that make me smile, feel important, feel satisfied, feel independent, feel crazy, feel loved, feel happy. As well as to know what things cut my wings, make me feel like I am the worst, ... It is a way to discover toxic relationships and just activities I don't like so much. And find those that make my life the best and the most suitable for me.

So for me it is the time to expect less from myself (not regarding the quality, but regarding the quantity). It is the time to breath slowly and then run as fast as I can, to wake up and smile enjoying the early morning. It is the time to choose the right people that make my life more amazing, and make me feel that I am in the right place. And I think it is the best time to fall in love :)

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