life changing password

23:51 Joanna 0 Comments

Recently I have read an article how password can change our life. Sounds a little odd? Right, it doeas. It did to me too. And i decided to give it a try. Conclusions?
1) it cannot be too long (it made me SO irritated to type 22 signs password with weird symbols that I really hateed my motivational sentence after typing it), choose nice and simple
2) 'simplicty' is the keyword. if you have a way you always create password, you may forget the new one. I have encrypted disk and fighting with my memory to remember the passoword (compeltely not in my style, created on Friday afternoon) was a disaster. I managed, but... wasn't easy. write it down, at least a bit of it ;) or in pieces.

Every time I type it, I smile. So it kindda work. I get used to it, does not irritate me anymore (even though it has 22 signs- btw, need to change it).
It is great and creative idea :-)

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