100 questions
20:52 Joanna 0 Comments
I thought it would be great to answer those questions by myslelf :) current answers below. maybe I also prepare "my dream answers".
- Who is your hero?
A little bit of my mum. And I need to figure it out. - If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I would love to live in New York for a while. And in London. And in Paris. And… - What is your biggest fear?
That I am not worthy anybody. - What is your favorite family vacation?
Just sightseeing completely new city, with amazing food. - What would you change about yourself if you
I would be taller, and have nice nose, and maybe straight hair. And I would be more confident. - What really makes you angry?
When somebody doesn’t want to understand my good intentions. - What motivates you to work hard?
Positive assurance, complement and appreciation. - What is your favorite thing about your career?
That I have learnt how to make decisions and I am brave (at least sometime). - What is your biggest complaint about your job?
Not clear position. - What is your proudest accomplishment?
The person I became. - What is your child's proudest accomplishment?
--- - What is your favorite book to read?
It used to be The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Burnett, now let’s not say in public. - What makes you laugh the most?
Funny people and my mistakes. - What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
„Bogowie”- polish one about polish cardiologist Zbigniew Religa. It was worth the evening. - What did you want to be when you were small?
A beautician, teacher … - What does your child want to be when he/she grows
--- - If you could choose to do anything for a day,
what would it be?
If that comes with superpowers I could be the best climber in the world, supermodel, actress, president of US, princess of England… I guess there would be a couple more… - What is your favorite game or sport to watch and
I love pilates, a little bit of yoga. To watch only with friends. - Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or
drive a car?
Ride a bike- need to buy nice, feminine one; horse- I am a little bit afraid of horses, but why not to come back, car- that would work too. - What would you sing at Karaoke night?
I am not sure I would sing. And I don’t know too many lyrics… - What two
radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
I don’t. - Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the
lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
yyy… maybe dishes, vacuuming sound also bearable. - If you could hire someone to help you, would it
be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Cleaning! - If you could only eat one meal for the rest of
your life, what would it be?
Salads. And hummus. And goat cheese. - Who is your favorite author?
Don’t have any. - Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
It is a shame. - Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?
I like. But it depends on the surprise (so no things I wouldn’t like and are expensive) - In the evening, would you rather play a game,
visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?
I would go to meet friends or pilates, nice food or theatre. Eventually movie or a book. - Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska,
and why?
oh booth! But I guess Alaska because it is more exciting. - Would you
rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why?
I don’t know (or I am afraid of stating the obvious) what is my perfect job so I would have plenty of time to checking what I love without the stress and fear I have now. - Who would you want to be stranded with on a
deserted island?
Someone with sense of humor. And intelligence J - If money was no object, what would you do all
Work out a little bit, walk, cook, talk and smile. - If you could go back in time, what year would you
travel to?
In my life I would be back to teenager time and be happy. If not… I would be back to ancient times to check how life was back then (but the dirt…), so maybe I would go to interwar period or something. - How would your friends describe you?
That really depends on which one. Those who know me well would say I am carrying person. And mean. - What are your hobbies?
Pilates, being a leader (work with young and ambitious people), healthy leaving, movies. - What is the best gift you have been given?
The most surprised was the fish (Izydor- Siamese fighting fish), I just received amazing box of gingerbread what was a huge surprise. - What is the worst gift you have received?
I haven’t. Still waiting… - Aside from food, water, and shelter, what one
thing could you not go a day without?
I would take the smartphone with the internet. If not possible- I guess books. - List two pet peeves.
being hypocritical and rude - Where do you see yourself in five years?
Travelling to many countries. - How many pairs of shoes do you own?
It is countable number, I guess around 15. - If you were a super-hero, what powers would you
Making friends and making people to calm down. And the ability to remember the best moments of my life. - What would
you do if you won the lottery?
First I would sit and be stressed to manage money well. After some time I would have fun J And travel. And have foundation or something. And make amazing and useful things. - What form of public transportation do you prefer?
(air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)
Air or boat. - What's your favorite zoo animal?
Crocodile, donkey and peacock. - If you could go back in time to change one thing,
what would it be?
My approach to live. - If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals,
living or dead, who would they be?
Marlin Monroe, Margaret Teacher, pope Francis, Jesus - How many pillows do you sleep with?
zero or one - What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and
Indonesia because of time change. - What's the tallest building you've been to the
top in?
Palace of Culture and Science - Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or
looks for intelligence?
Stupid people has easier so I guess I would take the look (but not both- this would be a disaster) - How often do you buy clothes?
On sales, so 2 times per year, sometimes more often when I need something in particular. - Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I know about him ;-) - What's your favorite holiday?
active, with nice views - What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Went for Erasmus, to Barcelona, live in Warsaw. - What was the last thing you recorded on TV?
I don’t use TV. But I am watching now recorded “The Book Tief”. - What was the last book you read?
Partly- The Casual Vacancy by Rowling (won’t finish) - What's your favorite type of foreign food?
Hummus, nice pizza, pastas - Are you a clean or messy person?
Trying to be clean. Depends on my psychological condition. - Who would you want to play you in a movie of your
Honest, clever and amazing woman who makes big things. - How long does it take you to get ready in the
Like an hour, but I can manage 15-30 minutes, when I need. - What kitchen appliance do you use every day?
None. Kittle maybe… - What's your favorite fast food chain?
I don’t like fast food. - What's your favorite family recipe?
My mum is so creative so it s very hard to say anything about family recipe- all were changed by her. - Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
Haven’t tried. I guess I would love and hate. - What's your favorite family tradition?
There are mostly polish traditions. - What is your favorite childhood memory?
Running in pink dress, climbing on my dad’s knees while he wanted to eat dinner, “kutu kuta”, “babcia kocki” - What's your favorite movie?
About the boy. - How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't
real? How did you find out?
I am not sure. I always was suspicious. - Is your glass half full or half empty?
Hard q. I believe half full. - What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name
of love?
the most stupid- I resign from being myself, the best ones- kissing and laying in the street in the city centre, moving somewhere - What three items would you take with you on a
deserted island?
kindle, ipad, foam roller - What was your favorite subject in school?
Math - What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
Lapas. - Do you collect anything?
No (maybe links from the internet…) - Is there anything you wished would come back into
Hats. I feel quite uncomfortable when I wear them because others don’t. - Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I used to be introvert. Maybe now that changed, but I am not sure. - Which of the five senses would you say is your
Taste. - Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an
actual surprise)
No L - Are you related or distantly related to anyone
I don’t think so. - What do you do to keep fit?
Pilates, a bit of yoga and fitness. - Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or
No. - If you were ruler of your own country what would
be the first law you would introduce?
Everyone is equal (people in parlament as well) - Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
Secondary school teacher- she was warm and believe in young people. - What three things do you think of the most each
what to do with my life, it is good to have what I have, what else I need to do today - If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
“bright and clever” - What song would you say best sums you up?
I am not good enough with songs. - What celebrity would you like to meet at
Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
Keira Knightly. - Who was your first crush?
Even don’t remember his name. - What's the most interesting thing you can see out
of your office or kitchen window?
The park. - On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you
8 ;-) - Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully in a nice apartment in one of the biggest cities. - What was your first job?
at dad’s flowers field. And in catering company. - If you could join any past or current music group
which would you want to join?
Abba. - How many
languages do you speak?
2+ a little bit of Spanish. - What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
--- - Who is the most intelligent person you know?
Kuba. - If you had to describe yourself as an animal,
which one would it be?
Chinchilla or a butterfly. - What is one thing you will never do again?
Being depended (emotionally) on a guy. - Who knows you the best?
People know me from different sides.
this is the time
17:33 Joanna 0 Comments
this is the time you decide what kind of person you wanna be.
it is not about the job. it is not about money, position, big house and designer clothes. this is about your choices, about the truth and belief in people. this is about your passion for people and how you treat them. this is about wishing other people luck when you feel awful, when you are unhappy and unsatisfied.
this is not about the job. it is about who you truly are.
be a girl, like a girl
so it is all about confidence. about being who we are with all that proudness :D
Why can't "run like a girl" also mean win the race?
zima jest git
zima jest fajna bo:19:24 Joanna 0 Comments
- się siedzi pod kocem z gorącą herbatą (z goździkami, pomarańczą, imbirkiem)
- chodzimy na łyżwy
- czasem jeździmy na nartach
- jest śnieg
- i Gwiazdka z choinką jest
- robimy pierniczki
- i małe gwiazdki ze wstążki robimy
- lepimy bałwany
- rzucamy się nawzajem śnieżkami
- nosimy śliczne podkoszulki pod grubymi swetrami i flanelowymi koszulami
- dajemy prezenty
- oglądamy delikatnie zaszronione listki, które są urocze
- oglądamy tysiące odcinków seriali pod kocem i nie żal nam pogody za oknem
- pomarańcze pachną
- nosimy śliczne kapeluty i szare kominy
- malujemy paznokcie na burgund
- i pijemy herbatę z malinami od babci (opcjonalnie z nalewką malinową, od babci)
- urządzamy wigilię z mnóstwem różnych ludzi
- śpiewamy kolendy
- jak chodzimy cały dzień w piżamie to jest ok
- oglądamy świąteczne komedie romantyczne
- wąchamy iglaste drzewka
- oglądamy śliczne światełka w każdym mieście na świecie (chyba)
- chodzimy na świąteczne ryneczki
- nosimy swetry z reniferem
- mamy płatki śniegu na rzęsach i tusz, który się rozpływa
- palimy mnóstwo świeczek
- siedzimy prz kominku
- możemy się wybrać na kulik
heloł, heloł. budzę się.
19:59 Joanna 0 Comments
mam w tej chwili jakiś taki nastrój beznadziejny. po prostu jest średnio. wszytsko jest średnie. marudne. jakieś "nie takie". brakuje mi sukcesowych dni i spełniania marzeń. biegania z uśmiechem i zastanawiania się, jakim cudem można być aż tak szczęśliwym.
no bo przez tą chwilę szczęśliwa się nie czuję. mam nadzieję, że to przez syfiaste leki i że już za chwilę wszytsko wróci do normy. na pewno wróci na wiosnę (bo jak świergolą ptaki i pojawiają się pierwsze listki to każdy ma dobry humor, ja też), ale ja chciałabym już teraz. by wróciło już :)
znów mam fazę "nie wiem, co z moim życiem". ciekawe, czy to po prostu tak jest, tak ma być i już, regulanie, przez chwilę czy to zniknie za chwilę już na zawsze ;-) oczywiście nadal gdybam o mieszkaniu w Nowym Jorku, lub chociaż Paryżu czy Londynie (nie umiem się określić, ale to nic nowego;)). oczywiście nadal sobie myślę, że tyle różnych rzeczy bym chciała- bez konkretnych decyzji. najlepiej by się samo zdarzyło, by spadło jak grom z jasnego nieba i bym wiodła od dzisiaj życie idealne, jak ze snów. gdy wyznacza się cele to muszą być specific, czyli konkretne, prezycyjne, jasne, by jak się już je osiągnie, by było wiadomo, że to "to". co jak co, precyzyjna to nie jestem. generalnie to tak, oczekuję od innych by się jasno wyrażali, by konkretnie mówili... więc niby jestem jasna i konkretna. tylko jakoś tak w swoim zyciu to mam problem... chciałabym wszytsko. chciałabym być idealna. najznakomitsza. i najświetniejsza. bez konkretów. po co konkrety? wtedy nie można być wiecznie niezadowolonym! kiedy mówię, że przebiegnę najbliższy maraton, powiedzmy w Barcelonie to nie mam wyjścia i muszę ruszyć tyłek i 1) zapisać się, 2) kupić bilety lotnicze, hostele itp 3) zacząć biegać i trenować (czyli nie tylko machać nogami wąchając trawę- nie zakładam, że zacznę biegać w zimie, z takiej wymówki zrezygnować nie umiem). i wtedy pozamiatane. nie mogłabym za pół roku powiedzieć "och, chciałabym biegać", bo cel dzwoniłby mi nad uchem i konkretne zadania krzyczałyby bezpośrednio do mnie. no więc ja, jak na świadomą siebie kobietę przystało, odkładam planowanie jasne i konkretne, i pisanie celów. i gdybam sobie "co by było gdyby..."
i mam taką cichą nadzieję gdzieś w głowie i sercu, że ruszę tyłek i znów wyjdę trochę poza strefę komfortu (choć wczoraj z łyżwami się udało). bo na przykład taki pilates to uwielbiam i kocham niezwykle, ale to tak, że kiedyś zaczęłam (wygrzebałam się z tej skorupy, polazłam i jestem) i mi teraz dobrze i ciepło, a pójście na inny fitness to jak wspinanie się na jakąś górę (czyli niby chcę, ale może później). planuję pole dance, myślę, że się zakocham do nieskończoności. ale ile ja już wymówek wynalazłam! najlepszym sposobem jednakże nie są wymówki, jest "niemyślenie", czyli po prostu spychanie tego tematu na dalszy plan, bo są ważne rzeczy (albo bardziej pilne rzeczy). i kurde, jeśli jutro mi przepadną zapisy na styczeń to mnie cholera trafi... mimo, że przecież odkładam, a jednak przecież chcę. pole dance czekało na zimę (bo siniaki), a jak zima przyszła (nie do końca dosłownie, bo śniegu nie ma, i mrozu też nie ma, ale to mi nie przeszkadza ;)), a poledance jak nie było, tak nie ma...
piszę znów, bo najwyższy czas się znów obudzić. kiedy zbliża się zima to ja się hibernuję. staję się powolna, przymulona i śpiąca (czasem rzecz jasna). a przecież tyle jest rzeczy, które kocham. tyle jest rzeczy, które uwielbiam. i tyle jest rzeczy, które chcę robić nieustannie lub jednorazowo, tylu rzeczy chcę spróbować i tyle razy chcę się uśmiechnąć. wrócę do swojego wieczornego dziękowania :) to jest naprawdę rzecz, która działa :D
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window (Stulatek, który wyskoczył przez okno i zniknął).23:54 Joanna 0 Comments
A lots of laugh (especially when others don't laugh). Absurd situations. Crazy things. It was worth watching.
And kino Luna. And galeria Funky later. And Bazar Kocha (cracker, goat cheese and rasin puree) before. And everythig that makes you feel like you are on the right place. :D
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I love silk, white tulips, tartas, pilates, desaturated photography, music without words, lullabies, pearls, black americano, dark chocolate, lavender in the evenings, rose water, white tea with elderflower, red wine at home, simple fashion. and people.
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