The Iron Lady

21:36 Joanna 0 Comments

About dedication, confidence and difficulties. That you mean well but the whole world is against you. About that time with no hope but you go on because you have to go on. No other choices. It's a kind of cry for women, to want something. Such a manifesto to desire.

I'm looking for what I want. What I truly desire.

Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.
My father always said that... and I think I am fine.
― Margaret Thatcher 

O poświęceniu, pewności i trudnościach. o tym, że chcesz dobrze a cały świat jest przeciwko Tobie. O tym, że czasem brak nadziei, a Ty i tak idziesz dalej, i tak musisz iść dalej. Bo jak inaczej. To taki krzyk dla kobiet, by czegoś chcieć. Taki manifest, by pragnąć.

Ja szukam, czego pragnę.

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A chignon for a fascinator

23:02 Joanna 0 Comments

                                                   I completely felt in love with it!

photos/post/design: Kristin Ess
Fascinators are becoming more and more popular in the US. Many of our most fashionable friends are building small collections of gorgeous headpieces and that’s reason enough to do a tutorial on a hairstyle that will accomodate them. This is a fairly easy hairstyle to execute and doesn’t require a ton of coordination. In fact, that’s one of the things I love the most about fascinators- they look their best when paired with a simple hair style. Of course you’re not going to wear a fascinator to work, but it’s such a great addition to an outfit when attending any sort of formal party. Okay, here we go!
  1. You’ll need a couple of larger bobby pins and a thin rubberband.
  2. You’ll want a side part for this because the fascinator is going to sit on the side with less hair. Create a section from your ear up to the part as you see in photo 2. Clip all that hair out of the way and save it for the end.
  3. On the side with less hair, twist everything back and over your ear.
  4. Clip it in place using a claw clip.
  5. Lightly tease the rest of your hair. You want to do this so that the bun you’re about to make will be a little fuller. If you have super thick hair you’re welcome to skip this step.
  6. The hair shouldn’t be agressively teased. It should look like picture 6.
  7. Remove the clip and keep twisting in an upward motion. Twist it right into a bun shape and secure using the thin rubberband. Go ahead and insert one of the large bobby pins for security.
  8. Take the section you had clipped up out of the clip. Lightly twist that in an upward direction and wrap it around the bun. Secure it using your other large bobby pin. If you have thicker hair and you need more pins, go for it!
  9. Once everthing is secured, lightly pull at the bun if you want to make it a little bigger. If you like the size of it, you can skip this step.
  10. Spray all over using a firm holding hairspray.
Each fascinator is different. Some come with clips, some with headbands, some with combs, and some vintage ones come with nothing. Attach the fascinator on the side with less hair. I usually recommend attaching it just slightly below the part. You can obviously wear this chignon without a fascinator if you want. Would be great for bridesmaids or any special event for that matter!

pictures & text from HERE
The hair is just amazing!

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This Guy’s Wife Got Cancer, So He Did Something Unforgettable. The Last 3 Photos Destroyed Me.

19:30 Joanna 0 Comments

Definately worth reading+ looking at!

I was crying from one...

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Lush- Lovely Jubblies + take care of yourself

19:18 Joanna 0 Comments

I like cosmetics like that! It forces us to think about ourselves in a different way. "For the area that gets talked to the most. A product to make that most enticing area even more enticing". I think that really often is not about what cosmetics you use but what you make with it- if you really massage your skin etc. And for me this is the same in this case- cannot really say if that works, but I am trying to believe it does. So I keep using it :-) And hope it will give some results. But just the approach- having a special cosmetic for this area- it's kind of luxurious. An it smells incredibly. Go and try! 

Uwielbiam takie kosmetyki! Zmuszają one nas do myślenia o sobie w trochę inny sposób niż myślimy. Uważam, że moc kosmetyków nie tkwi w tym, jakiego kosmetyku używamy, ale co z nim robimy- czy naprawdę masujemy skórę etc. I w tym przypadku jest podobnie- nie mogę powiedzieć, czy to naprawdę działa, ale wierzę że tak :-) Wiec będę używać. I mieć nadzieję, że jakieś rezultaty są. Ja po prostu to podejście- posiadanie kosmetyku tylko dla tego kawałku ciała- to taki rodzaj luksusu. Bardzo przyjemny. No i pachnie obłędnie. Spróbuj!

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butchery & wine

12:37 Joanna 0 Comments

I don't have my own pictures (yet- will visit again) because that was a business meal, but... I have my opinion and with pleasure will share :-)

Pictures I found on the website Butchery & Wine do not really show the simplicity and ellegance of this interior. For sure I could show that better ;-) But this is what I wanna tell about the place regarding the visual experience- it is nice to be there, not so sophisticated decor. It goes well with little black dress as well as with normal jeans & high heels. Point for that.

Let's move to food and wine- that's the reason we were there :-) And I cannot hide, as I mention at the beggining that I'm gonna come there again, that place is perfect. I do not really eat steaks- so I can say that it was my almost first time. I will count this as my first time- and this first time was perfect. So soft, so silky...  So I like steaks since then :-) We started from tatar (again, I do not really like raw meat... but I was encouraged so well that I gave it a try and don't regret!) and then wait a while for our filet mignon (now I know that that is) because they were prepearing one piece for 3 ppl- a big piece of meat. The aroma.. mmm and the taste... I don't know how to write about this kind of food so I will just say it was delicious and it is not only mine opinion :-) Side dishes were perect as well- especially parsley root caramelized with honey- this is something I need to try by myself at home.
The perfect complement was a glass (or two) of Telish, an intense Merlot from Bulgaria. And as a dessert (I was not able to eat anything) a glass of porto. So reminded me nice time near the ocean in Portugal ;-)

Nie mam własnoręcznie robionych zdjęć (jeszcze- pojawie się tam ponownie) gdyż byłam na spotkaniu biznesowym, ale za to mam swoje wrażenia, którymi chętnie się podzielę :-)
Zdjęcia, które znalazłam na stronie Butchery & Wine nie oddają wdzięku, prostoty, uroku i elegancji miejsca, do którego trafiła. Oczywiście, moje zdjęcia idealnie to przedstawią ;-) Ale właśnie to widać w wystroju- miło jest tam być, dekoracje nie przesadzone, a może w sumie tak naprawdę ich tam nie ma. Idealnie pasuje zarówno do małej czarnej, jak i jeansów ze szpilami. Za to mają plusa.

Czas na jedzenie i wino, czyli powód naszej wyprawy (pomijając oczywiście przyczyny biznesowe ;-) Tak, jak wspomniałam wcześniej- mam zamiar pojawić się tam ponownie, miejsce jest idealne. Generalnie nie jem steków (to jakieś takie dla facetów, ja jem zielone), więc to był jeden z moich pierwszych razów. Niech liczy się za pierwszy raz. Co to był za pierwszy raz! Miękki, jedwabisty... Więc od tego momentu lubię steki :-) Zaczęliśmy od tatara (i znów... nie lubię surowego mięsa... ale współtowarzysze mieli takie umiejętności przekonywania, że musiałam spróbować i... nie żałuję!) i czekaliśmy na nasz filet mignon (już wiem, co to jest!) sporą chwilę, gdyż przygotowywany był jeden duży kawał dla trzech osób. Aromat... mmm smak... Nie wiem, jak się pisze o takim jedzeniu, było niesamowicie smaczne, nie tylko w mojej opinii. Dodatki też były niczego sobie- zdecydowanie zaciekawiła mnie pietruszka karmalizowana miodem- muszę spróbować zrobić to sama w domu.
Idealnym uzupełnieniem posiłku była lampka (lub dwie) wina Telish, intensywnego, bułgarskiego Merlota. A jako deser (jako, że nie byłam w stanie zjeść już niczego więcej)- lampka Porto. I przypomniał mi się czas w Portugalii, nad ocenam... 

Butchery & Wine 22 Żurawia str., 00-515 Warsaw, Poland

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